Saturday, July 17, 2010

He Stood Alone At Gjallerbru

Mightygodking wrote a post today about the best deaths in comics. For my money it was this one that occurred in the pages of Thor. Skurge the Executioner has forever been a foil of the thunder god. He was the henchman of the Enchantress and constantly fought about the Asgardians. However, when time came to go into Hel to save the souls of humans, he joined Thor on his crusade. What he did in the last pages of that comic will forever stick with me. Like Leonidas at Thermopylae he made the supreme sacrifice and found not only redemption, but his warrior's heart. Goosebumps.

1 comment:

Lazarus Lupin said...

Sort of tragic too, led astray by his love of a wicked woman, he only finds true valor once.

Lazarus Lupin
Art and Review