Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Inception Comic - The Cobol Affair

In anticipation to the release of the movie 'Inception', you can see a comic story based on the characters from the movie and learn a bit more about the unique work that they do stealing information by travelling into people's dreams. It is a good comic story and only gets me more excited about the movie.

Christopher Nolan is a great storyteller and director and (as much as it pains me to say this) Leonardo DiCaprio has really grown on me as an actor. I used to hate him worse than I hate Billy Ray Cyrus (oh and I used to hates me some Billy Ray) but both of them have done some nice stuff lately.

I was especially impressed with how good DiCaprio was in 'Blood Diamond' one of my favorite films last year. With all that going for it I am hoping 'Inception' is THE movie to see this summer. The trailer is certainly interesting. So before you go look at the trailer again, check out the comic story HERE. It's a nice piece of marketing that you usually don't see connected with movie releases.


Sam G said...

I agree with you on Leonardo. Used to really, really hate him....but I'm starting to give him some kudos.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It a tough thing for us to admit isn't it?

Matt said...

He's slowly turned into a really fine actor. You can't argue with Blood Diamond or The Departed or even Shutter Island. I'm excited to see him alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who I think is one of the best actors of his generation (check out Brick and (500) Days Of Summer for proof). I think he'd make a great choice for The Riddler in Nolan's next Batman movie (and Nolan does seem to use the same actors in multiple movies).

Matt said...

And by "he" for The Riddler, I mean Joseph Gordon-Levitt, not Leonardo DiCaprio.

Dr. MVM said...

Come on now, Leo has done some really great work. His Howard Hughes should have won him an Oscar. I'm serious.

DrGoat said...

I also think he was good in The Departed. He and Walberg & Nickelson were great in that movie.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I love how we all are defending him. That's great. The kid is doing alright. And Matt, I like your idea about Gordon-Levitt for the riddler. If history says anything, its the unusual choices in Nolan's Batman films that are exciting. Please no Robin Williams.