I have never been. As a kid I would sneak down to the bathroom to fall asleep on the bathtub mat. I graduated to the front room when I figured out how to work the TV and plug in my one earpiece that came with my favorite transistor radio, first given to me by my Baba.
I still have to rotate my sleeping places a least once a week until I get my ativan prescription for the weekend. Then at least one day a week I can get one day where I can sleep for only 13 hours. I really have a problem turning off my mind enough to sleep.

When I was a young feller I could sleep 13 hrs. easy. Nowadays I get about 6 or 7 if I'm lucky. And that's with taking Lyrica a night.
No rest for the wicked. Not implying anything of course.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
I was a good sleeper until I hit menopause. Friggin' hormones.
Alcohol is my sleeping potion.
Sleeping patterns differ from person to person. Interesting article:
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