Thursday, July 15, 2010

Are You Freakin' Kidding Me

An eclipse on Easter Island? Is that not the most awesome place to see one? When I was 11 one hit central Manitoba in February. We all were give our number 14 welders glass to watch without burning out our eyes and we built these helmets like Stormtroopers from Star Wars to hold the glass.

Me and my buddy figured my front yard was the best place in the world to see the eclipse the longest. So we watched the moon move across the sun and for two minutes plus we had a full eclipse.

It was so weird. Almost twilight darkness and no sound from the birds or the world. It was like everything stopped. It was such an eerie, supernatural feeling. I could see how the ancients would be totally jazzed about them and put such significance on them.


D.I. Felipe González said...

It must have been the most awesome place to watch an eclipse!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It was and the weather was unseasonable warm that week.

Copyboy said...

yeah that place totally beats a smelly street in NY's East Village.

-Warren Zoell said...

I remember that , I was 13 at the time living in Sherwood Park and a friend brought a no. 12 welders glass and while we were using it someone told us we needed a No. 14 glass or we'd go blind.Needless to say we all thought we were going to go blind. Good times :\

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Number 12? NUMBER 12? That is just abuse!!!! It was number 14 or nothing back in my day!