Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Oh that poor Lindsay. Finally she got ninety days in the jug for all her bad behavior. How many chances did she think she would get above the 100 or so she had already gotten from the law? So now she will be someone's bitch if they don't put her in protective custody and allow her smokes and cheeseburgers. She needed Charlie Sheen's lawyer. He isn't ever going to serve time because they couldn't come to an 'agreement' on his punishment for trying to kill his wife. Fuck Hollywood. Gotta love it. Lindsay will be the only one to come out of prison looking better than when she went in. What I am saying is girl is looking ROUGH these days. Never good for someone in their EARLY TWENTIES! GAH!

And in other asshat celebrity news - it appears that Kate Moss drives around in this London Cab. How better to spit on the little people than by driving by them and making them think you are the cab in service that will save them from having to stand out on the curb in the rain. You can slow as you approach them then roar away laughing while reminding them why you are so much better than they are. Fuck You Kate Moss.


Dr. MVM said...

I hate all those self important huge sense of entitlement cunts.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Who get treated better than the rest of us when they skirt around the law. Unfortunately none of them ever hurt themselves when they are drinking and driving.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

kick her in the junk!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I prefer to bash her with the official blugeon.

DrGoat said...

Celebrities (sp) and rich people live in a completely different world from other people. They even got richer during this recession. Meg Whitman (ex ceo of Ebay) who is running for Gov. of California has two sons, ne of which has been expelled from prep school, kicked out of a fancy club for being a drunken racist and had felony assault charges disappear is a fine example. And none of this hits the big time media.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Maybe Witman's opponents will bring it up. She is enough bad news for a state that doesn't need another entitled idiot running it. She will run California into the ground just like she ran ebay into the ground.

Pat Tillett said...

The good news is that you don't actually have to do anything at all to her (or her ilk), she will self destruct right before our eyes...Just give her time...