Monday, April 22, 2013

This Is What I Get For Reaching Out To People

I knew I shouldn't have starting fooling around with Facebook but I was really lonely this week. Despite what you may think it's not always tea with the Queen around here everyday. I have had some great conversations with people I know from my blog but very few people from my past. I didn't want the people from back then thinking that I became some kind of loser (sure I did but who are they to know).

I did think that after finally finding a long lost friend that of course SHE would want to talk to me because at one time we were very close. We grew up together. In fact I helped her get herself out of a job in the base kitchen and into University. Then after her degree in museum studies I used my connections to get her a job in Iqaluit. From there I never saw her again. Come to think of it she was always selfish to me so her response to my friend request comes as no surprise. I am just hurt I guess.

Hi Calvin, I didn't accept your friend request because I use Facebook for family only. Also, I don't wish to reconnect with old friends - I am living day to day in the present moment. Hope you understand. Sincere best wishes to you.

This is how you nicely tell someone to fuck off. My father was right. He always said she was a bitch. I don't need her anyways. I have my Shadow Ring and my orange headphones. What more could I want out of life?



Kal said...

I know. It's just that it was like contacting a long long family member and having her tell me to fuck off. This rejection is just hitting me harder than most of the rejection I usually experience.

Konsumterra said...

i have been surprised and disappointed by people i made screw me and snub me or treat as a rival - so bewildering to me ive stopped - sad because i believe in altruism but now im sick more i need to put myself no1

Wings1295 said...

She is a tool, right there in her message she is saying so! Ignore her and move on, she is so not worth it.

Anonymous said...

That whole note she sent really is only about her and not you- it's rare we get the chance to truly see that. You and your dad are right - who wants to be around someone who uses being in the moment as an excuse to be mean?

Nomad said...

Good for You!
Assbook sucks anyways!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry you're feeling the sting of rejection, Cal. I hope it passes soon.

Margaret Benbow said...

Cal, good riddance to that shallow shrew. She's concentrating on "living in the moment"?
If she can't remember the kindness of a friend, she's basically brain-damaged. You don't need the foolish wench.

DrGoat said...

I'm with Margaret. Shallow & pretentious, I'll wager, by the sound of her note and her history.

Hobgoblin238 said...

I have had some friends do that as well. They became ultra christians and cannot deal with my wallposts challenging it. Fuck em!