Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lone Ranger One Sheets

I am fascinated with the upcoming The Lone Ranger. I wonder how this will will come out in the same way I wondered how John Carter would come out. I know both properties pretty well and I liked John Carter - then everyone starting piling on. Most everyone from a certain era knows the story of the Lone Ranger and his partner Tonto as they deliver justice in the old west. I liked Armie Hammer playing TWO parts in The Social Network. Tom Wilkinson is always solid and I have deep love for Ruth Wilson who I last saw in Luther's first season.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, Tom Wilkinson is always a solid performer, isn't he? I don't think I've ever seen him turn in a bad acting job on anything. And he's been in a gazillion movies in a gazillion roles over the years.

Unknown said...

I'm a big fan of the Ranger and loved Matt Wagner's take with Dynamite. I am excited about this, scared but excited.

Kelly Sedinger said...

I love these writers. I just wish they had cast an actual native American as Tonto.

M. D. Jackson said...

Oh but Johnny Depp is Native American! He`s one-eighth or one-sisxteenth Cree... and he... got adopted by a.. tribe that...

...yeah, okay I don`t believe it either. Of course you won`t hear as much baby-ass whining about it as you did when they cast Idris Elba as Heimdall.

Kal said...

Yes, those that complained are the same who believe that Thor fought for the South in the Civil War. GAH. You got all that glory that is the Thor movie and you bitch about an actor's color. There are Frost Giants and you bitch about one black guy. Sounds racist to me.