Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why The A-Z Challenge Doesn't Work For Me

This challenge is ideally designed for people who have problems coming up with one post a day. They are further aided by the alphabetized nature of the challenge. I of course, have no problems coming up with posts. I am supernaturally prolific.

I could have kept myself to one post a day but we all know that is just crazy talk. I could have kept all my post for a certain day starting with the same letter. That would be more of a challenge but I didn't think of it soon enough.

So I will just continue to the end. Doing special - image and text heavy posts about the things I have some interest in and they will be buried in all the other balloon juice that I put out. Finding my challenge contribution is like finding a nice piece of scoopy litter cat poop in the little shovel. It's treasure, baby.

I have made very few new comment friends this time. Maybe it's because there are too many of us to follow and connect with. I need a different kind of blog challenge. Maybe find a way to get my blog nominated for something that means something. Something that wins me some swag if I am good enough. No one wants to trade with me so now I want to win win win and get more packages in the mail.

The Canada Post Guy checked out just my upstairs room and almost passed out. He made me promise to let him come back with his kid when I have finished or semi-finished the basement displays. I want to make a little bag for the kid to take home with him. Loose figures and some still in their package.

Then I find this piece of garbage. I don't know how we humans do it sometimes. How do we not all collectively jump off the nearest highest thing.

All I ask is that you TRY!


DrGoat said...

Thanks for following up the Jeff Bridges movie post with this, whatever it is. You are a genius with juxtaposition I had to go back and watch the trailer so I could get this out of my temporary memory. I hate auto-tuning. Should never have been invented. Ever. And the rest is just, well, mind numbing.

Dr. Theda said...

A great day to you good Sir Kal...
Next Month there is the "May Monster Madness"Which only runs for a week ... we are spreading the word about this and trying to recruit even more participants .. "Annie Walls" , "Little Gothic Horrors" and "Something wicKED" are hosting this one... Great blogs ... Thought that you might want to join in on the fun ...
I have enjoyed your "A-Z" posts...

TS Hendrik said...

You and I should cohost a bloghop sometime and see what kind of mayhem we can come up with.

Kal said...

I would like that. I miss those great discussions we would have over at your place. The women were always so spunky.