Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Know I Will Hate This Just From The Trailer


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Feels like it might work better as a serial television show than as a movie. Its hard to get past the whole "this will be the next fantasy book-turned-movie" series vibe.

Kal said...

And it's two boys fighting over one girl. Why not have all women and one man like in Y the Last Man?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

That fact that I didn't catch on to that element proves how little I was paying attention, or else proves how cookie-cutter it is. Maybe I was to distracted by the title . Is it "Mortal Instruments" or "City of Bones" just pick one already!

Kal said...

It's awful pretentious isn't it? That title?

M. D. Jackson said...

I was wondering when Buffy the Vampire slayer would be made into a movie...

Other than that it reminded me of Neil Gaiman`s NEVERWHERE, a BBC series from the 80`s which absolutely NEEDS to be redone for the big screen!

Kal said...

Buffy wasn't as dumb as this girl seems to be. Why do they always make the dummest person in the room the most powerful. That can go wrong so quickly. And everyone is usally indoors when her new mega powers kick in. Everyone around her should be dead but you are gonna tell me that magic doesn't work that way. BLAH.