Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Many Things I Hate About My New Computer

1. cleary he is my master and not the reverse

2. lost in the change were some great porn and great pictures of Selena

3. I now type like a chimp and not a test pilot like I used too

4. unpublished 'cats by cal' collection is gone (that one really hurt)

5. can't figure out how to get onto tumblr without seeing the stupid staff garbage -i just want to find my people and return to tumblring

6. can't wait till I as as fast an proficient with old clunky as I am becoming with Johnny Lightning - thanks to those who didn't leave me during the great crisis of '10


-Warren Zoell said...

Let me guess you bought an Imac.

Megan said...

A keyboard is a keyboard, isn't it? Hang in there, Cal.

Kal said...

yeh but not everything is in the same place and there is a slight misalignment that my super fast typing style has to adjust too. No Warren, its a Presario. Also, do we live in the same town?

The Invisible Seductress said...

Just glad you're back in the proverbial saddle!!!!

but the cats by cal loss does suck bull nads!!!!

Kal said...

They have tried again to talk Big Daddy out of the game and they have failed again. The only thing that really annoyed me about all this is that I hate having to get used to a new keyboard. It's such a annoyance. So how are you pretty girl? And I will get a whole new book of them done in no time. Didn't lose my blog or tumblr at least.

Sam G said...

This reminds me of Star Trek III when Spock was re-educating himself. Anyone else? No?
Oh well. Whatever. Nevermind.

Tempo said...

In a few weeks all this will be a distant dream except for the occasional nightmare where you wake up screaming, thinking your fingers have slipped between the keys... again!

Kal said...

Don't laught Tempo, I am already having those dreams. I feel disabled and have to reteach myself to think all over again. It's very frustrating.

Wings1295 said...

Give it some time and you will be just as used to this one.

SamuraiFrog said...

I lost a lot of unpublished stuff when my drive crashed, too. It DOES hurt. Eventually you get over it, but until then...

DrGoat said...

Stay frosty, you'll get back to speed. Sorry about the loss of 'stuff'. I think you can re-build your cache of Selena pics and other stuff in due time. Did you keep that porn in the same place as the Selena pictures, you naughty boy?
Hey, you are not expendable. We need you to discuss death and other relevant topics. Nobody is leaving.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Glad to read you again, Boreal Cal.
About your data loss I'm really sorry.
About your keyboard: buy a new one that you really like: they are cheap (and yes, you can use an external keyboard on a laptop).

Best regards from the subtropical regions of Mexico.

TS Hendrik said...

I feel your keyboard pain man. When I switched to a laptop it was so small I couldn't type anything. Now if I use a regular keyboard my fingers betray me.