I got a comment from Dr Goat the other day about celebrity culture and the media. It made me remember a time when I was teaching and I attended a kindergarten graduation. I was their gym teacher so I got a special invite. The teacher read a small blurb about the kids as they got their 'degrees' - things like their favorite color (all the same - blue) and what they wanted to be when they grew up. TO A KID, they all wanted to be POWER RANGERS. Now THAT is media saturation - or one kid said it and they all thought it was a good answer on the survey. They have a 'herd mentality' like that.
I love it when I learn something new despite how obscure the fact is. I never understood the nonsense line in the Beatles song - ACROSS THE UNIVERSE - but now I know that it's 'Jai Garu Deva Om' which is now stuck in my head. GAH! The price I pay for knowledge.

Again, I have to bitch about how awesome today's LEGOS are and how none of the kids who complain about them are worthy of ever putting another two pieces together for the rest of their lives. When I was young we had TWO SHAPES - square and rectangle and we LIKED IT! Maybe we had a window and a door so our houses didn't look crappy. Look how awesome these Samurai are? I would have died to be create a diorama of the fate of the 47 Ronin and have them look half ways like actually Japanese Warriors. I could just stop bitching and get into today's LEGO sets but what fun would that be?

Nothing sucks as much as leaving positive comments on a blog that hasn't been up for very long and not receiving anything back. You support this person because they write interesting posts and you are left feeling like some goof when they totally ignore the gesture. Sure, that person may not understand yet that responding to comments is respect and it is one of the best ways to build an interesting fan base that responds to your stuff because they understand your stuff. I hate to stop leaving comments on this persons just because my feelings are hurt but I have been doing that lately. Why do I need the validation in the first place?
Dude my days generally start with me checking my emails and my blogs of choice. You are top of my list. Great stuff. Funny, thought provoking and honest. I'm struggling with working as a full-time writer and keeping my blog happening but every time you leave a comment on mine I feel the collective canadian cool shining on me. Cheers.
You know, about the pickles: There's not many that'd be that considerate. Just another way that you shine, my friend.
BTW, the lyric from Across the Universe is not nonesense. "Jai guru deva om" is a Sanskrit phrase whose words could have many meanings. Appoximately it translates as "glory to the shining remover of darkness," or it could be "Victory to God divine", "Hail to the divine guru", or the phrase commonly invoked by the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi "All Glory to Guru Deva."
Thanks Nick. I really like your stuff too and am glad I found your post also.
Holy crap M.D. - you just made my little 'factlette' even more cool with the addition of that information. Thanks brother.
But Power Rangers aren't grown up! They're teenagers!
I used to think the first three syllables of that part of "Across the Universe" were "kangaroo." That might have actually been better than the real lyrics.
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