Friday, August 13, 2010

How Confidant Is She?

I have been lovin' on these make-up free pictures of Selena that have popped up a lot in the past couple of weeks. How sure of herself does this girl have to be to leave herself so exposed like that? It is especially remarkable for someone hip deep in a celebrity culture that is often harsh on anyone who doesn't constantly display the most polished image they can at ALL times? Yeh, the more I see and know about her the more happy I am that I hitched my admiration to this star.


Marnie said...

I've never heard of her before...but I agree, she is a beauty. She has an enchanting smile.

Now if more high profile women did this, it would send out a more positive image towards young females.

Megan said...

If she's still doing it twenty years from now, then I'll know it really means something.

She sure is cute though.

Pearl said...

She's a beautiful girl. What is she, 17? If she's still doing it 20 years from now and looking that cute doing it, she's a lucky girl as well!


vancouver mark said...

I often went days without makeup when I was seventeen.
Sorry, eighteen, then too.

Pat Tillett said...

Sheeze, I go out without and make-up on all the time...
She's probably a little cuter than me though.