Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Famous First Looks - Riddle As Squirrel Girl

If you have spent anytime at the Cave of Cool you know how much I admire a good cosplayer. I admire the talent it takes to design and then produce a winning costume of a character well known to people who follow such things in pop culture. Then you add to that a great model who understands that people will find good work if you just DO good work. Riki never lets me down. EVER. Her stuff is ground breaking and iconic.

This is her ORIGINAL design for Squirrel Girl done with the great artist Brian Stelfreeze. More of his art will show up here once Riki posts it over at Riddle's Messy Wardrobe. I have bothered her for years to do this character because only SHE could do it up right. I expected her usual comic perfect look but instead got something fresh and new.

So great to see one of my favorite characters done by one of my favorite cosplayers. I know you must find this all silly for a grown man to find such joy in something like this but I don't care. If you could feel what I do right now you would understand. This girl is the real deal.

As I’m sure many of you know I raise and rehab squirrels, so my take on it comes from the Grey squirrel. I had the idea almost 2-3 years ago, when I approached Brian Stelfreeze, Comic Artist, to help redesign her. This costume was a challenge for me so I am excited to finally get to share get to share this with all of you! I hope you like it! I will eventually write up how I did everyth...ing, from the goggles, tail, to the quilted ab piece.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's a great look -- I like it! And always follow your bliss, Cal. If something brings you joy and doesn't hurt anyone, then go for it, I say.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know. I am such a fanboy.