Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Once Again I Am Outbid For This Grail Item

Dirty stinkin' poacher should all burn in hell for not letting me have this one.


j-swin said...

rotten bastards! hangin's too good for them.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I could have kept bidding but I have my limit, especially with Oscar. I let him go once in a comic/toy store for 40 dollars because I thought the box was a little bit beat up. I never forgave myself. So I want to get him at a good deal in fact I don't want him until I get an epic deal.

j-swin said...

I passed up a Hellboy series 1 kreigaffe for $20 when I lived in Pittsburgh, now they're one eBay for $200. Stupid!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have a small Bowden statue of Hellboy that I got for nothing and now it's impossible to find for under 200 dollars. Many of the Monster High dolls I have are also more than 5 times what I paid for them on Amazon right now.