Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eddie And The Cruisers


I really enjoyed this on in the theatre. Everyone had the soundtrack. Combine it with another Michael Pare movie - Streets of Fire - for a great 80s film double feature.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Mufasa Trailer

True Canadian Moments

Dress-up was his finest student...and his greatest disappointment. Canadians are still in denial over what happen the day that Casey and Finnigan disappeared from the show and from media entirely. Like Tupac we were told they were living on an island with Biggie and Elvis. But we know the truth. The kid and the dog knew TOO MUCH. They knew what Dress-up was really peddling from that tickle trunk of his. Word came down from CBC brass to make the whole problem go away and that is when Dress-up saw a way to solve all his problems at once. He snapped and they were finding puppet felt in the studio months after the incident. Those deaths solved nothing in the end for Dress-up. All he did was shame a nation and traumatize a generation of children who preferred the Friendly Giant anyways. REST IN POWER - Casey and Finnigan.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

I Think She Is Trying To Seduce Me


Struck Me Funny


Sunday Image Blizzard


Friday, April 26, 2024

From The Caturday Files