Saturday, December 5, 2015

TV Times

My Mother has binged on CALL THE MIDWIFE, CRANFORD, and LAST TANGO IN HALIFAX and she needs a new show. Not too many episodes. Costume drama is good. Frontier costume drama with women is the best. WWII stories featuring the Holocaust is the Holy Grail. Movies or shows you think she would enjoy would be appreciated. I of course have too much to watch already. It's giving me real stress to let things go.

I am still not caught up on FLASH from last year. I dropped ARROW before last season so that probably messes me up for LEGENDS OF TOMORROW. I need to know what episodes of FLASH and ARROW to get that two part Vandal Savage story.

I am going slowly through JENNIFER JONES, maybe too slowly but the program is the very definition of a slow burn. I wish for some action and tension to keep me coming back through interest and not just duty to see this programs to maintain my geek cred. I do like the investigative parts of the show. It's interesting to watch Jessica track Kilgrave by being methodical and patient.

I finally ran out of all the COPS episodes that I had. Then I realized there were dozens I missed by not getting COMPLETE seasons with my actual downloads. The dream may continue just a little bit longer.


csmith2884 said...

legends of today-flash
legends of yesterday-arrow
They are the two most recent of each.

Unknown said...

Mr. Selfridge should keep Mom happy, it does mine. For you I recommend Fargo. I've been watching the 2nd season and it has blown me away with it's overall quality. I hated the movies so I skipped the tv show when it first came out, but boy has this season impressed me. I'm presently watching the 1st season and am equally impressed with the overall quality of the show. One for Mom, one for you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One and I enjoyed Outlander (one season, about 12 episodes). Does she like men in kilts?