Monday, February 5, 2024


From the trailer you can see that this silly little spy thriller relies on the premise that a simple author of the Argyle spy stories is wanted by real spies for what she can provide them with - and ending to her little story that has come to be a true life spy adventure. Unfortunately the story can't maintain all the juggling balls in the air for very long without long winded explanations that only become more outrageous as the movie progresses. The cat is a fun addition but by the end I found myself wanting more of the comedy and less complications that break down by the sheer weight of the pillars they are trying to hold up. All the actors are good and I love the Henry Caville parts. I would have liked to see more of that and the cat. The movie is also too long and even by the end they are introducing new ideas best left to any type of sequel they would plan to make. The critics hated it while audiences were more generous with their praise. This one can wait for streaming. The trailer promises a better time than it is able to deliver.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, it's been panned and panned hard. But who knows, maybe in a decade or so it will be a cult classic.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not interested either. I've not liked the other films by this director.