Thursday, December 3, 2015

Batman Vs Superman Dawn Of Justice Full Trailer

Hate Jessie Eisenberg in this one. Such a weak Luthor. Watch how he sucks all the energy out of the meeting between Clark and Bruce only a second after becoming a part of it. Cringe worthy. I mean I can see his performance being the reason why we never get a Justice League movie or anymore Superman or Batman movies for the next decade. This is what kills the Golden Goose. This totally miscast performance. Where the hell was Brian Cranston when we needed him?

Wonder Woman looks awesome as does Doomsday.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yay Wonder Woman!

DrGoat said...

No shit!! And you are right, that whinny performance by
Eisenberg just screws the whole thing up. Just have to ignore
it 'cause the rest looks pretty good. Don't know much about the
alternate universe stuff, or whatever they call it, but a good
action movie with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman will
get me in every time.

Tim Knight said...

Agree 100 per cent on Luthor. Why, of why, re-invent such a great comic book character in such an off-book manner?

Doomsday looks like a troll from The Fellowship Of The Rings and I'm still not grokking mean and moody Superman - that's Bats' schtick!

But, wow, Wonder Woman looks really great.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She looks terrific. And I hate all the dark CGI but hell, I will take whatever they give me...but Jessie needs to be cut and a whole reshoot needs to be done. This is so bad even in the TRAILER. Can you imagine two hours of his shit. And that speech to Lois. That is some bad, bad, bad, writing. Rob Liefeld bad.