Friday, December 4, 2015

Best Things This Week

Gemini: The world burns under the weight of all its pain. I see it in you, too: the way you turn and crease with all the unhappiness you see. Your empathy is not a weakness. It is a strength.

(click to enlarge)
I understand you can get these medals for FREE at Toys R Us. I would love to get all three to wear at the premiere of The Force Awakens.
It was the HAT that saved that goat.
The jury could not convict once they saw the hat.
Flash with his Time Sled is a must buy.
I would open this one because the packaging is not great for display.
And so is this Spider-Gwen figure.
I hate that she is part of a BAF.


Unknown said...

That Flash with his Cosmic Treadmill is awesome!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Isn't it? Even I will open up that one.