Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lost FOUR Followers Today

I must have been particularly offensive this week.
Good for me.

7 comments: said...

Honey, I lost 27!! What the? 27 followers dropped from my site? They don't like this naughty Jewish girl?

Well, I still love you and I know it's mutual.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Okay, I guess I look pretty petty when you lost that many. As long as you never leave me I will never stop being and doing like I do. I am unstoppable just like you. In a perfect world....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think there's some freaky thing going on right now with Google Friend Connect. last week I had 610 followers. Today I have 569. I can't have offended THAT many people at once, even if I tried! LOL. Must be like a "market correction" or something.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hope you are right because that would mean I needed LESS correction than anyone else I know. I WIN...

NO, THIS SUCKS. Who are they to tell me who is following me and how many times they visit. Oh right...

I am so twisted that anything under 2000 visits in a day feels like a failure. It's insane. I should be happy even ONE person buys my balloon juice. And what's worse is that the facebook person who blasted me is still talking to me like she never wrote anything.

j-swin said...

Just think of it as pruning the hedges. Get rid of the dry dead brush and you'll come back even stronger.

Simon B said...

Cal, I've gone from a meagre 74 followers to a pathetic 72 overnight. As a percentage that's... um... well, a lot worse than your loss..

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahaha, I was just over at the blog of this British guy who is having the same problem and he asked "does anyone know why my blog numbers are up and down like a whore's knickers?"