Thursday, December 17, 2015

Oh Marty

Now before I begin this rant, let me first say that this piece of human garbage deserves all the bad things that will happen to him in the future because he is an asshole and really the worst human being on the planet.

We all know that he was the one who raised the price of a lifesaving drug that his company manufactured by 5000 percent to just enrich himself. Sure he took that back afterwards but the damage was already done. This guy was a hated pariah. I said way back when this story first broke that this was not the end of the story. I mentioned that the UNIVERSE has a way of getting you if you put out bad Karma.

So you all remember that ONE OF A KIND album produced by the Wu Tang Clan. Well this asshole bought it at auction for about 2 million dollars. When the Wu Tang Clan found out about this they were pissed. That reminds all of you that you DO NOT piss off the Wu Tang Clan. They have numerous way to mess you up.

So this morning. Our Asshole of the Year - Martin 'Pretty Boy' Shkreli was arrested by the feds for running a PONZI scheme and living large off the investments of others while paying dividends with the investments those lower down the pyramid. That could be real jail time. That could most certainly mean time in a REAL prison where I am sure there are many fans of the Wu Tang Clan who would be more than happy to 'party' with this gentleman after hours in cell block C.

Circle of Life, bitches.


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

*wiping tear from eye* It restores my faith in Justice.