Monday, December 14, 2015

Star Trek Beyond - First Trailer

I think I hate this trailer. First of all the Beastie Boys are not a good tune to play over a science fiction movie's trailer. I hate all the quick cuts that keep me from understanding any part of the story besides the fact that ONCE AGAIN the Enterprise gets smashed and broken. Enough with damaging the ship I love. Aren't there other space ships out there that you can break?


Rob R said...

it's just not star trek... :(

Unknown said...

I don't know Beastie Boys music can really get you pumped just regard this as a "teaser" until more serious trailer comes out.

Rob R said...

Didn't they already try the action director with Star Trek: Nemesis...?

j-swin said...

I've been enjoying the trek reboots and am looking forward to this one too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Well, this is just typical" made me LOL.

Chase March said...

I hate it too. I miss the days when they used to make Star Trek movies. This isn't Trek. It could be a good movie, set in the future, with interesting characters. But it's not my Star Trek. And that's sad.