Saturday, December 12, 2015

This Is How A Leader Unites Rather Than Divides

Say what you want about this being a political photo-op but if I have to choose seeing my leader doing THIS to get some attention than acting like, say, Donald Trump, who rants like a lunatic to get people to pay him some mind, then I have no problem making my choice. There is a difference between being an asshole and doing the right thing and we in Canada understand that difference. I admit we are spoiled by our rational society so forgive us for not understanding the appeal of Lord Trump. He just says what all your racist hillbillies are thinking anyways. Is it more than that? What am I missing here? Trump does seem to have an endless vein to tap. A deep one that lurks below the surface of your nation. And if it wasn't Trump saying these things then it would be Ted Cruz or one of the other lunatics from the Republican Party.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's true, Cal, but remember we've got our own deep vein of racism in Canada against first peoples. The Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women Inquiry will carry on where the Truth and Reconciliation Commission left off. We just don't have a central political figure overtly tapping into it although there are many that would, I suspect, if they thought they could get away with it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree. We have much to atone for our own sins but we don't run from them anymore. That is a good sign. From someone who has worked on reserves for many years, SOMETHING has to change and I am glad the eye is on the lives of Native Canadians. They are as ignored and exploited by their own as they are by the government and law enforcement.