Sunday, September 9, 2018

I Refuse To Let This 'Movie' Steal More Seconds From My Life Than It Has Already

OMG. I hate this so much. If I had a little girl I would FORBID her from seeing this balloon juice. I hate how the lead always has to be a princess and always has to be the ONLY one who can save their world. I bet a less winsome and less attractive girl could do just as good a job as Suzy Brit here. But then we don't get the story made into a movie then do we? I just hate it every wasted second on screen.

The narration sounds like Morgan Freeman is about to tell me that Visa is 'everywhere I want to be'. The only words that go through my head are, "KILL this child. She's an abomination." I know it's supposed to be a beloved Christmas story but it's so BORING and stupid and I hate even the sight of a soldier nutcracker at Christmas. It enrages me how many times I had to see this crap as a child. Now a whole new generation of young boys are going to be explosed and forever scared by the sheer banality of it all because they have a sister and SHE gets to choose the family movie. This is why a home should have TWO TVs. Boys don't need to be exposed to this. That is what sex, profanity and violence laced movies are for and the world is better for it. I love a lavish, sweeping, saga as much as the next guy but this is not it. This is a popcorn fart in the history of motion pictures. I dislike it that much.

I aint letting NONE of this shit unfold because it will only be a profound letdown.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think this "expanded and updated" version will ruin The Nutcracker story just like the Johnny Depp version of Alice in Wonderland ruined that.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It was alredy ruined to being with. This movie will only remind you of how stupid and weak the story is. I heard that movie as saw a ballerina and I had an anxiety attack.