Sunday, September 9, 2018

My Big Brother Update

"It just doesn't seem real. But KC promised me it would be okay. If this is all a lie, and in the end I am standing there looking like a dumbass? I well tear every door off it's FUCKING HINGES on my way out of this MOTHERFUCKER!I will absolutely rip these bitches to shreds. I will lose my mind. I swear, on everything that's holy that they will regret it."

Sam - Big Brother.

HOLY SHIT that is the best Big Brother moment ever. I wish I could share the video of it with you. EPIC EPIC moment. She will do it too. She has choked many a possum to death and she is not bluffing in the slightest. You have to hear it with the Alabama accent. GOLD! She reminds me of Squirrel Girl.


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