Thursday, August 8, 2019

Batman - Hush

One of the most popular storylines in the history of Batman in the comics finally comes to DC Animation. It's a great story with mature relationships and stakes that feel real for the Dark Knight. Nightwing of course is there along with Catwoman and Alfred and Batgirl and a whole menagerie of Batman's best villains. More complicated relationships for Bruce.

When the DC Animation machine is this fine tuned all they really need to tell a great story is a great story and Hush is a great story full of fresh reveals. Superstar artist Jim Lee did the entire series and it's worth reading for the art alone. I have a really high standards when it comes to Batman stories and this one is worthy of the best tales out there. You really get a tour of the Batman Universe with this one.

(Click to Enlarge)

The movie is chock FULL of Batman goodness. Multiple villains, multiple heroes, all the Children of the Bat get their moments. It's a cartoon for people who like something new in a character they already think they know so well. I enjoyed all the different sides of 'Batman' that we get with a heavy dose of Bruce Wayne, who we all know is the real fiction. That guy is Batman first and only. Bruce Wayne is Batman's secret identity, not the reverse. So when a villain knows all of Batman's secrets it hits to the circle of trust that Bruce carefully has build around himself. Not any mutt off the street gets close to his secrets. It's interesting how various characters react to the decisions Bruce makes in this film. This is smart storytelling that takes a fresh take on a character who is 80 years old.
Hush himself has a tough job to do - make himself a villain worthy of our hero and the big reveal might confuse some because again it's different from the comic which I thought was brilliant. However, I found I was okay with those changes.
There are many reasons why Marvel does not have a great animation division. DC did it right and did it first. I wish Marvel would steal all the creators from DC and do some of THEIR greatest stories in the style and grandeur that DC brings to their classic tales.
Totally worth your time. At this point it's expected and HUSH delivers.

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