Monday, February 3, 2020

I Think This Is The Point Where I Stop Having Hope

I still have no computer tower. My IPAD cord broke AGAIN and I have no charge on that device, my only access to YOU TUBE and at least something to entertain me when I am working on my soundless Acer laptop piece of shit. I still click on You Tube thinking that I will be able to hear the clip until I realize how silent my world has returned to. I have lost my choice. It's AM radio crap or Satellite TV with commercials and even there the choices are limited. I need to return to my old life where I had so much good shit to watch that I would never run out. I was three episodes into LOST IN SPACE and Parker Posey was getting even more deliciously evil. I even missed the second episode of PICARD last night because I am not used to making an appointment to watch something on the big screen TV. It's insane. I feel like I am adapting to a new life and failing the test. Did I mention how much I hate AM radio and it's repetition and bad talk shows? Well I do.

Damn time is moving so slow. I just want to get to nine when the Couch Potatoes talk about movies and TV.

Oh and it's snowing outside and I can't even take a picture of that.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I feel your pain. Hang on, Cal, hang on.