Friday, February 7, 2020

It Would Solve A Lot Of Our Asshole Problems

The ancient Greeks, you know the ones who INVENTED democracy, had a good policy. Once a year they would hold a vote and the person that was the biggest asshole or who had too much power would be booted out of the country for ten years. They would look after his stuff but he was exiled. Sounds like something we all should vote on every year like they vote for American Idol. Then we send that person to Exile Island from Survivor with enough food and water and shelter and fishing tools but NO Internet or TV. Maybe a few books. Then after a decade of hearing nothing from them they could quietly slip back into the country and restart their lives. I bet it would solve many of our problems because the assholes that were nominated would temper their bullshit so that they don't 'win' the Golden Ticket to obscurity for a glorious decade.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I know the asshole that I would vote off the island.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...