Sunday, February 9, 2020

This One Is Killing On My Cat Related Facebook Group

162 reactions in 21 hours. FINALLY someone recognizes my cat captioning genius. Sure that stupid group still refuses to acknowledge said genius with a title or designation like VISUAL STORYTELLER but they are trying to keep me down. That is why they keep taking my CONVERSATION STARTER title away from me every time they give it to me. Head games from The Man as usual but the people have spoken and that is all the validation I need.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, that's a brilliant caption! I can see why people like it!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh but you know my style so you get it. Some people had to have it explained to them but once they got it, they loved it. I have seen this picture many times but I never got the gag right in my head before now. Gossamer, right?