Thursday, February 5, 2015

If You Attended The University of Alberta In The mid-80s Then You Are My People

If you remember this telephone registration form, it was cutting edge tech back I the day when I registered for classes at the University of Alberta. IF you could make the phone connection and had managed to put in the correct numbers for the class you wanted (a twenty minute process that was nerve racking) you passed a huge hurdle. Then, at the moment you thought you had the class all locked in, they would tell you that it was full and the whole registration and scheduling nightmare began all over again. It took me two days on the phone for hours a day to finalize my class schedule. By the end I was like a test pilot on that touch tone phone. And I got most of what I wanted because I never gave up calling back. People were hanging up in frustration all the time.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad that back in my day at university (mid-70s) all I had to do was physically stand in various lines for hours on end. It sounds easier, actually. And even a bit faster!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

This was like sitting on pins and needles all morning. There was no lines to stand in.