Tuesday, January 19, 2016

From The Desk Of Cal

Last week you peoples gave me over 2800 visits one day. Yesterday was 1800. Today it should be over two thousand because you got some damn fine quality blog related entertainment this day. And there is lots from yesterday and the day before that that you have enjoyed or can chose now to enjoy. Just gimme gimme gimme the visits. Pretend I am a Make-A-Wish kid for the next day or two. Would that kill you or disgrace that fine organization? Yes, probably. But I want what I want and I want it now. Lest I throw something resembling a fit. I might even pout and tantrum and no one wants to see that. So choose wisely people of the Earth. I had a Pepsi and a chocolate bar for lunch. I am SHOT OUT OF A CANNON and I want to see those numbers go UP UP UP. Or a puppy will die somewhere. SAVE THE PUPPY.

Thank You

The Management.

1 comment:

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I am here... see... click, click... click!