Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Monster Cafe Can Kiss My Canadian Ass

I was a big fan of the Monster Café. I really was impressed what buddy had created and how he posted about his toys. In fact I was so impressed that I sent him about 100 dollars worth of high end Monster figures and items that don't fit into my primarily superhero collection just to add to his fantastic Monster Cafe. I promoted his site whenever I could. All I asked in return was a sweet Luchador mask since he lives in Mexico and can buy one for nothing on every street corner.

Years later and I still received nothing from him. In fact he is the ONLY person to ever NOT send me something for the gift I sent to him so I dropped him from my blog roll. It had nothing to do with his ultra conservative views because with friends I can let those kinds of things pass. Just as my Mormon brother Mike T. He spouts all kinds of balloon juice and he and I have stayed friends for years.

So today I saw his link on another site and decided to check out it. This is what he had to say about me. I am offended by what he thinks of the girls I post online. They may be young, they may dress in sexy cosplay outfits but that doesn't make me a pervert for appreciating the effort and the beauty I see all around me. If I ONLY posted sexy half naked girls then he would have an argument. My posts are a celebration of beauty of all kinds and I defy anyone to find one single naked woman I have ever posted aside from my beloved Hattie Watson. That is not porn - it's erotica as I was reminded.

So after you read this appraisal of me, and if you agree with what he says, don't be a coward and tell me to my face. Just because religion fucked him up and I was smart enough not fall for that balloon juice don't take your moral superiority out on me. Oh and learn to spell.

Then Calvin from his Cave of Cool cleans me as well.  Now I am not sure how I feel about this one. On one hand he has a point.  I have been lax on sending him some luchador masks he wanted.  I was just about to send them a year ago and we got hit with proteccion civil and we had to pay $4,000 to get the restaurant ready for them.  It wiped us out.  Guess who didn't care to show up this year.  That is right.  They only wanted the mordida last year.  So I wasn't able to go to the U.S. plus with my visa it just wasn't able to happen.  Then I confess I got caught up getting childhood toys etc.  But I will send them out.  It will be next year though.  Winter is the worst time for the cafe.  So I bantered with him a few times when he would run the U.S. down in his posts.  Then he called me an asshole.  I let it slide but remembered it.  Now he cleans me  from his blogroll.  Oh well.  Cal is really funny and posts hilarious stuff on his blog sometimes...then other times it is another story. I think he is in his fifties and it does bother me that he posts all the time of scantily clad girls young enough to be his daughters.  It is kind of dirty old manish and disgusting.  But again libs don't have many morals...

Is he right about me? Or is he an asshole? I will respect the opinions of the audience.



Unknown said...

Seems like an asshole to me. If you sent him a bunch of toys and all you asked for was a cheap Luchador mask for them which he didn't deliver then screw it. Write him off, no need to advertise his site.

j-swin said...

Sounds like sour grapes to me, bro. You keep fighting the good fight and let the assholes pick each other off.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks my brothers. I was hoping it wasn't me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Being on someone's blogroll is an honour and a privilege, not a right. I purge and change my blogroll all the time, mainly to remove blogs that have stopped posting regularly and to add new blogs that I think others may enjoy as well. But if someone pissed me off, I'd remove them from my blogroll too.

csmith2884 said...

But again libs don't have many morals...

Kiss my Yankee Doodle butt crack. Asshole indeed.

DrGoat said...

That crack about libs pissed me off too. Same
old BS from the right wing. You want lack of
morals, take a peek in the mirror M.C.

jester59388 said...

Addressing his major complaint first, I've found as I get older that my appreciation of female beauty has ENHANCED in that I now find the beauty in older women that I was blind to as a pup. But it would be insane to think that because I am older I should no longer be ALLOWED to appreciate the beauty of younger women. (And yes, I have 3 daughters in their 20's -- so what?) You might as well tell me I can't look at flowers or rainbows anymore because I've been in existence longer. And bringing morality into it is just BS since it has nothing to do with morals. It's about art and beauty and there are plenty of museums with full frontal nudity painted and sculpted by the most devout Catholics to demonstrate that point. Your posts are always appreciative, not sexual and the responses you receive from so many female cosplayers you support is proof of that.

Also his comment about "libs" is just ignorant as is any other generalized stereotype. Conservatives can be just as amoral as any other group. Narrow-mindedness does not make one more "right' or "moral" despite what one would like to believe about oneself and those who simply view the world differently.

And with that I do need to mention the one point on which I agree with him -- Cal, you are guilty of doing exactly that in your diatribes against Americans generally. Most Americans, I firmly believe, are moderate centrists who support both badly needed social programs and sound fiscal responsibility. We are sickened by the extremism that dominates both parties and the catering to the far left and the far right. We want a RATIONAL government. Do NOT assume that Donald Trump (or any of those other chuckleheads) and his supporters represents the majority of Americans just because he gets a lot of media attention and a thumbs up from minority of some poll respondents. Polls are not elections and many a campaign has straight up DIED after Iowa and New Hampshire. Similarly, the vast majority of Americans support reasonable regulations regarding firearms. Those NRA nuts and Republican idiots do not exemplify us any more than Rob Ford represents most Canadians. So yeah it is a bit irritating when you go off about us "hillbillies" as a group. 'Nuff said on that.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thank you first of all for your support on this. Means a lot. I know you've been a follower for a long time. And when I talk about the HILLBILLIES I certainly don't mean you all. I save that for your dumbest. Anyone who follows me should be more enlightened about many things and if they are not it annoys me to the point where I lump you all into one basket but I remember that line from Men In Black - PEOPLE are smart, HUMANITY is dumb and it's that kind of racist groupthink that drives me insane. I loves me some America more than you think. I watch everything you make or do. You are a great people or you wish to be. You only lack the light to show you the way. That was Jor-el btw.

jester59388 said...

Cal, thanks for that thoughtful response -- exactly what I would expect! And you are so right -- we need us some bright lights because these are dark times -- and have been progressively so since the mod-nineties and Newt Gingrich and crews "Contract With America" -- or more aptly "Contract ON America," which was the precursor of those TEA Party assholes and the "Party of No" tactics of the last eight years. There was a time when doing the right thing for the country was the most important thing, regardless of the politics. Now it's just about making sure the other guy looks bad and the hell with the rest of us. It's shameful that our so-called "leaders" don't have the balls to stand up to their respective parties and put an end to it. We've never needed a third party more than now, but it still won't work if no one is willing to form a coalition and work together for the greater good. Otherwise the Lincoln Memorial is going to be like the statue of Ozymandius standing in a barren wasteland of what was once a great society that crumbled because those we selected to lead couldn't get out of their own way.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

I wish for something like a Hillary Bernie thing. She could do foreign policy and he could be a Nation Czar just concerned with fixing infrastructure, employing and dealing with vets, returning college to something FREE if you qualify. The football profits can pay for that. Oh don't get me started. I could go all shining city on the hill on ya but even I am starting to doubt your mythology. But nice to see all the rats coming out into the light. Trump is just what you all need right now. He will look so much worse in retrospect....amongst that crowd I mean that support him.

DrGoat said...

Jester. Thoughtful comment. Right on the money.