Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Into The Badlands - Episode 2 (Of 6)

Blood soaked is the only way to describe Into the Badlands. Watching the Widow take out a team of assassins sent after her was EPIC. I love how no guns exist in this world. Everyone fights with bladed weapons in Matrix like style. The violence is totally over the top but compelling because it roots this world in it's own kind of reality. I can totally believe that these fiefdoms are at constant war with each other because the world they occupy is devoid of enough resources for all. In this environment you are either predator or prey which is something Sonny is learning first hand. The widow is all girls while the Baron is all boys. I can tell you which world I would prefer to live in. Although the Widow's daughter is very scary with her ability to snap the neck of any grown man pitted against her.

The Baron is such a cool bad guy with his southern plantation mansion and his oh so sickly sweet Southern drawl that actor lays on pretty thick, much to the delight of me and to the betterment of his character. With every sweet thing that comes out of the Baron's mouth, he is thinking of ten other things that relate to how he wants to kill you once you no longer are useful to him. He uses. He discards and leaves others to clean up the mess. His only way to hold power is to remain a source of fear and respect for his men. Now he is losing his grip on his world and his desperation is bringing out the animal. He wants everyone to know what he is capable of and he is not above doing his own 'wet work'. That is a psychopath who loves his work. What better villain is that?


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