Friday, January 15, 2016

New To The Collection Of Cool - Dawn Of Justice Wonder Woman

This is the year that I stop searching on store shelves for figures I know won't be there in the first place. I will make me trips to TRU and Walmart but without a hope in my heart to find the great figures that will be out this year. This was one I knew I had to get online if I wanted to have her in my collection. The shipping was remarkable low and I got her for retail which is as good as a new toy purchase gets these days. Always happy to have another Wonder Woman and especially the first movie WW. Gorgeous piece.

The only thing I hate is that this series is just another build a figure set. I truly hate these. You have to buy all eight figures (plus additional Batmen or Superman that I have too many of in my collection already - I strive for character variety) just to make this cool grappling gun replica to display in a nice plastic case. I just wish they would sell it as a separate piece for those of us who don't want to have to buy figures we don't want just to make it. Build -A-Figures are the devil.




DrGoat said...

Wish they would make a replica gun like the one
Harrison Ford used in Bladerunner.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I best one of those high end replica places has done that. I know they made Hellboys large pistol.

Jordan said...

That's the best sci-fi gun ever, ever, ever.

I've seen replicas of it in display cases in comic book stores (and stores like Forbidden Planet that have that kind of stuff).

When they were done building the movie prop (which was mostly molded from some kind of plastic, I think), they drilled a hole down it and filled the hole with molten lead, so that when Harrison Ford hefted it you could tell it had real weight by how it moved. I love details like that.

j-swin said...

Good on you, bro. They've got some nice pieces coming up, keep on the lookout.