Wednesday, January 20, 2016

On The Next Episode Of 'The Love Boat'


Jordan said...

I'm starting to really appreciate this schtick.

MichaelVP said...

Whoever it is that makes these Love Boat things took my pic of Anthony Misiano as the Joker for his image.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I will post the link when I find it again. Do you want me to remove it? Is it an homage to a great photo?

MichaelVP said...

I have decided that this is in fact terribly cool!! :)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I think that as well. Fair Use to promote the gag always works for me.

MichaelVP said...

No. No. Leave it. its cool!! :) I was just shocked when I saw it. there are so many pics of him as the Joker and I was just surprised that my pic of him was the one the Love Boat guy used. fascinating.

MichaelVP said...
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MichaelVP said...

But, (using french accent) of course, it is cool! What else could it be? It is, as they say, the CAVE OF COOL!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What EXACTLY are you implying about Mr Rogers' sexuality?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He like Asian Gentlemen and little cartoon girls.

DrGoat said...

Don't knock Mr. Rogers. Along with Jim Hensen, he is
one of the most genuine treasures America has produced.
And lay off the little king too. Sorry, feel cranky this

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Rodgers was good and pure. Maybe he was working with Mecha Godzilla to stop the nefarious plans of the Joker and Dr Who for pimping out those cartoon girls. Now we got us a two part special.