Monday, January 18, 2016

Some Maniac Actually Created This



j-swin said...

I can't zoom in close enough to see it, what does it say?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

NO words, just punctuation.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Holy Guacamole! That maniac is clearly as obsessed as Ahab!

Jordan said...

It looks impressive, but all you have to do is 1) extract the text from an .epub file (easy); 2) use a word processor to find/replace each letter of the alphabet with nothing (following with spaces); 3) export the remaining text (which will be just the punctuation); 4) import the result into Adobe Illustrator and then place the text along a spiral path (created using the "spiral" tool.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

So this maniac did this in all of a half hour.

DrGoat said...

I guess why would be the question.

Jordan said...

In fact (putting my nerd hat on) I realize you could do it even faster if you brought the book text into a programmers' text editor and used GREP to remove everything but the punctuation -- that's more sophisticated than using a word processor's "find/replace" functions, so you could pretty much do it all in one step.

It's still a pretty picture --the final result -- and I like it fine; I'm not discrediting it. I'm just saying, it wasn't that hard. (When Cal posts those examples of people making sculptures out of bee pollen or carving staircases into amber or painting masterpieces onto ladybug shells? That's hard.)