Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesdays From The Toybox

These TODDLER sized figures have little articulation but they look so good on display and the cost of them is about as much as a six inch specialty figure ($25). I already have the Superman and hope they come out with a Wonder Woman soon.

Any wacky model like this immediately got me attention as a kid.

Still kicking myself for leaving any DUNE toys on the shelf. I loved the movie in the 80s so much that I SHOULD have filled my basket with them as they stayed in the stores, unsold for a long time. Very highly valued to this day.

To find one complete in box would be the greatest grail find ever (Next to MIP Oscar Goldman with exploding briefcase. I always wanted this toy because of all the disguises. I was big into disguises as a kid.

Marvel Select make great versions of all the best heroes in their stable. If you can only have ONE version of a Marvel character, Marvel Select is the way to go. The larger characters like The Thing or The Rhino really have some weight to them as they would in real life and the articulation on a character like this Spider-Man is unreal. There is no pose that you can't put him into.

We would play this game for hours as a kid because you can mess with the other players and stop their progress if you have the right cards. I have made grown men cry during this game as I have no mercy where board games are concerned. It's one of my most distasteful character flaws.




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cool twirling representation of Mjolnir! My sister is ruthless at any kind of board or card game too. Play crib with her and she goes for the JUGULAR.

DrGoat said...

That giant Sandworm had me fixated. Wish that I
could find one of those. As you said, should have
picked them up when we could. I remember them being
in the bargain bin at the toy store in the mall.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

With all I have in my collection it's the ones that got away that drive me crazy. To see one many times and pass it by is unforgivable. Hell, I passed by several just like you.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Crib is only WORTH playing as bloodsport Debra.