Friday, January 15, 2016

Will You Be Watching?

I spent years watching this program and the movie looking for some kind of answers and there was never any resolution. I suspect these six episodes will not answer any more of my questions and just annoy me like the series did by the end.

I loved the series so much that I actually attended the X-Files movie in a theatre where I was the only person in the seats until two social service workers brought in their clients for a movie. Why THIS movie I have no idea. No way that people of low I.Q. would get the subtleties of the story.

I was sitting about half way down the aisle and one of the 'clients' starting walking towards the screen. With each step he let out a YELP. I tried to watch him without turning my head but it soon became impossible as he got closer to me. Suddenly he stopped, looked right at me and YELPED even louder. It was like a police car siren. I figured the only way to stop him was to YELP even louder than him which I did. Immediately he shut up and ran back to his handler. I felt like I won the battle against the mentally disabled. I was never more ashamed of myself but I was frightened.

I think of that story every time I see the X-Files.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I never watched the X-Files and I don't think I'll bother with the reboot either. Had to chuckle at your movie story.

Wings1295 said...

LOVED the X-Files, still do! If I wasn't able to watch, I'd tape it on the VCR and watch later. Will definitely be there for this reunion. Hoping for the best!