Wednesday, March 21, 2018

People on Social Media Want Canada and New Zealand to Join and Form “New Zanada”

This opens an entire new world of cute girls with cute accents to reject me. Despite that, I don't hate this idea one bit. The flag is also kick ass. Maybe we can form a strong partnership with Wakanda and truly rule the world from top to bottom and in the middle as well.
Canada shares a lot of similarities with New Zealand. Like the great white north New Zealand is home to friendly people and breath-taking landscapes. It makes sense that our countries would be great friends, but what if we became more?  What if we combined our nations to become New Zanada?
New Zanada is not a new idea.  In fact, multiple groups across social media believe it is an excellent idea including a Facebook group, Reddit threads, and Twitter accounts.  Hundreds of people are active on these pages sharing their thoughts and pride for “the nicest country in the world.”

A Facebook page titled ‘Dominion of New Zanada’ has over 700 followers.  One user even proposed that a tunnel should be built to connect Auckland and Vancouver.  Other proposals include combining currency into a New Zanadian Dollar (ZAD), and a national sport of rugby on ice.

There is also an ongoing feud with another fictional country that combines both of our nation’s dominant neighbours America and Australia called Ameristralia.

New Zanada sounds like the most delightful fictional place on the planet, eh, mate?



Richard said...

If the rugby on ice thing doesn't pan out, sheep curling might be the way to go.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Can we have a shearing festival before each event?? Where all the greats from New Zealand come to Canada to show their skills before the sheep are ready to be thrown down the ice?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'd vote for this!