Saturday, September 1, 2018

An Open Letter To Any Hillbilly Who Would Be So Low Class As To Denegrate John McCain On The Week Of His Death

If you want to say anything bad about John McCain you best wait a week or more or I will know exactly the kind of Hillbilly that you really are. If you are the kind of maggot that does such a disrespectful thing then you are not really and American. You are an embarrassment to other Americans whow still have some kindness and humanity left in them. Unlike you. Your patriotism is for shit. Your flag is for shit. You reverence for your soldiers is shit if you can take down a ma...n who loved his country more than any one American on this planet when he was alive. He was a hero. And if you don't fully recognize his SACRIFICE to his country. His REAL, HUMAN SACRIFICE for his nation then education yourself. Go to You Tube and watch a reputable documentary on the man. He is not perfect like none of us are but he TRIED. HE SUFFERED for principle and for his men. He actually fought in a war that Trump avoided because of his bone spurs. How does he not feel shame for his cowardice. John McCain tried to make America a better nation and he HATED TRUMP. If that is the only reason you hate McCain then have monstrously bad judgement If you repeat anything that President Toddler tweets about you are not only a sheep but the dumbest sheep in the floock. Say something hurtful you are a coward who couldn't earn one tenth of the honors that John McCain had bestowed upon him. He fought everday to make your nation kinder and more fair despite being surrounded in his own party by the biggest bunch of rotting human garbage to ever gather in one place and he still advanced his agenda that preached compromise which is something the Republicans have forgotten. To see the idiot trump sulk because he wan't dominating the news cycle is shameful, disgraceful. He's no a human. He's a sub human. And everything he does is a reflection of his malignant narcisim. There was no part of his dark and empty soul that could find something good to say about a National Hero because McCain never kissed his ass. Another reason you should only say good things about him for the next week. Because if you choose to do the opposite of what I asked you to refrain from doing, it will make you look like a undereducated moron - basically the worst kind of Hillbilly. The stereotype, racist, uneducated, hateful retard that I hate the most.Well after Nazis but your Malignant Hillbilly usually knows ALOT of WWII trivia about the Nazis despite the fact that you are functionally illitate.

It's not that you are stupid. It's just that you don't know anything. The greatest teacher ever -Jamie Escalante said that. Educate yourself from sources other than FOX NEWS and your drunk Uncle. You deserve to develope empathy for other groups or tradtions or lifestyles that are not like your own or are they really affecting your life in anyway - if you were honest with yourself. You probably know someone is marginalzied group already. He's not a bad person and they hurt just like you do and they deserve your respect and protection. Protection for the words or the stares or the joining in with others to bully someone who you think its okay to bully. Be better. It's no crime to be born a Hillbilly, but tis a TERRIBLE SIN to want to remain one for life.


j-swin said...

I feel like Obi-Wan sitting with my ass in the sand wondering “what the fuck just happened?”. The initial shock of seeing some of my countrymen’s true colors hasn’t worn off and now that the genie is out of the bottle it will be hard to see them any other way. These truly are the dark times.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I believe that sunlight is always the best disinfectant and to see these cockroaches scurry out into the light makes them easy to pick out of the gene pool and send of to the Thuderdome.

jester59388 said...

AAAaaaand after all of that it's back to dirty tricks politics again. Hiding documents as they try to shove their Supreme Court nominee down our collective throats. Unfortunately, nothing has changed now that all the Swamp Creatures have crawled back out of their hiding places. Good Lord, I hope we clean some house in November and get some people in there that want to run the government the RIGHT and ETHICAL way. I don't care if they are Republicans or Democrats. Being an Independent Moderate/Centrist, party affiliation doesn't mean fuck-all to me. I just want some thinking human beings who care more about this Country and the people in it than their party loyalties.