Sunday, March 1, 2020

Another Day In Crazy Town

I am so sick of waking up every day to the misadventures of this orange potato. Could we for ONCE, for just one day have no news or mention of Dear Leader? He never makes anything better. It's always worse. If he was my kid he would have to be sent to Baba's place for a week lest I take him camping and come back without him. I would tell everyone a bear ate him and they would buy that story because they all hated my kid too. He can't be reasoned with, this trump. He can only be flattered to the point where he cums in his pants before anything gets done with him. And the people willing to do that, to go that far, to kiss his fat dimpled ass, are the ones with the worst ideas. His people are incompetent at levels not seen since ever. The damage he does will take decades to undo.

Just one day. No trump day. July 4th 2020.

We all deserve a break.

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