Damn, the detail.
Cute Bombshell figures.
Dr Steel done up like a real guy.
Now where is HIS origin movie.

I won a contest put on my master customizer Vincenzo Reyes and got to choose from one member of KISS. I took Gene. I think I made the right choice though it hurts not to have all four together. Kiss are like the Ninja Turtles. You can't just have one. They are a team.
Playmobil made EVERYTHING. Unlike Lego who mocked me openly with their squares and rectangles, Playmobil loved me and gave me toys with many extra and cool accessories. I mean just look at all the pieces you got with these guys. You didn't just get the monkeys but you got the rocks and trees for them to climb on. These soldiers are also very cool.
We all wanted to play 'guns' back then but I can't imagine a kid today being so fascinated by the workings of these weapons but I suspect more of them are into real firearms in a way we just weren't as kids. Real guns scared me. Toy guns did not. Though I always wanted one of those little derringers that come out of your cuff and into your hand.
Fighting Furies was such a great line. Three pirate guys and lots of costumes for them to wear. What is more perfect that that. The sets were pretty complex for the time and again, came with a ton of accessories.
These Marx action figures were so great because you got a billion accessories with each character. Most of them got sucked up by the vacuum cleaner but it was insane play value if like me you kept your toys safe.
It's an absolute SIN that this figure is not in my collection. That is because it's an infamous BUILD A FIGURE that requires one to buy the entire line of figures to get all the parts to put this great Arim Zola together. But if you only want one or two from that line you are screwed. Especially worse is that you have to open the packaging to get the figure parts of the stupid BUILD A FIGURE. It's my worst freakin nightmare for a toy collector like me. Just sell me this figure without making my deal with the poachers on EBAY already. It's been years. Make him a 'convention exclusive' and sell him some Walmart 2 pack with THE SWARM. Now that is how you sell a cool toy.
Ah, the original Dr. Evil. Great look. Big ass medallion.
Yeh, he's no Ilya but Solo can be capable in a pinch.
Great girl figures come in all shapes and sizes.
Kotobukiya Starfire is cool.
I had all these Megoes back in the day.
I still have my original Spider-Man
I must have one of these Monster High dolls that are as big as a toddler I only hate these Monster High ones that are not really monsters. They look a mess. If you are going to make a REALLY large version for the line then do one of the iconic girls. Maybe a nice ABBY BOMINABLE with fur costume and ice skates and mink hat and great northing lights themed outfit. This character screams 'plain' to me. To a dazzler as the ones at this size should be. They should DAZZLE when you see them. I wish just ONE of you understood my love for these Monster High Dolls.
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