Sunday, May 14, 2017

Meet The New Love Of My Life

I will have more to say on this subject tomorrow but today we adopted a rescue kitty. She is four years old but was found on the streets where she was then spayed, vaccinated, checked out and microchiiped. She was adopted right away by a family that found out they were allergic so she had to be returned. The minute I saw her today I feel in love. Her name is Frosty and I am going to keep that. She is smart and playful and OMG, SHE HAS THE SOFTEST FUR EVER!! I am not kidding. If they gave a thread count to cat fur she would be at the top of the scale.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

What wonderful news! Welcome, Frosty, to the Cave of Cool -- wow, see how her name fits and everything? I hope you and she bond together as true co-conspirators against the world.

Jonathan Linneman said...

She's beautiful. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Pretty kitty I know a lot of White Tom's are deaf but I'm not sure if that's a sex linked thing.

We've always had Queens so here's the the new Queen of the cavern.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

She is adorable! Happy new Kitty day!

DrGoat said...

Happy kitty day indeed! May you have a long and happy life together. I'm sure the spirit of the Admiral and Wellington reside in her soul.
Good way to start the day.

Rob R said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations!

j-swin said...

Congratulations! Many happy years to you both.