Friday, November 3, 2017

I Teach Because I Love

My Parents took me to a ton of movies as a kid and they always stopped to get snacks at the bulk bin rather than the concession. Today they would stop at the Dollar Store before the film. Save big money and who really checks you in winter time if you have the 'theatre approved' snacks. You can smuggle much outside candy into the film and never be caught. Plus there is no law that I know of. Theatres just frown on the revenue they lose when they can't sell over priced candy to you. My example. Dollar Store Junior Mints - one dollar - Movie Theatre Junior Mints - 6 bucks for the same medium sized. I once bought a half bag of Oreos in a plastic bag to see Jurassic Park. It's was fantastic. And I like to feast on Dollar Store gummy bears but they don't sell them at the theater. Their lack of vision turned me into a smuggler. But see it my way. THESE ARE GUMMY BEARS. Or Tootsie Pops. The list goes on. So parents save money and buy and extra ticket to take a friend of your kid to see Thor-Ragnarok. Even when it drops down to the dollar theatre. It will blow their minds and all kids deserve a film that does that for them on a night they don't expect it. Do something nice for your kids if you are in a position to do so. Trust me. You will love the movie as well.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's criminal what movie theatres charge for snacks. Smuggle on! DOWN WITH THE MAN!

j-swin said...

We've never bought candy at the theater, always smuggle in our own. Now our kid asks if we can stop by the dollar store before the movie....makes a parent proud.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have tears in my eyes and for once it's not the dust.