Saturday, June 23, 2018

Weekend Image Blizzard





Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ooooo, Trump Milk -- BURN! I like the Japanese Ninja Batman too. And the last classic montage of Captain America, including Skinny!Steve and Bucky.

Brother Charlie said...

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea! Man, does that take me back. Almost - almost - subverted my loyalty to Star Trek. A Flying Sub - are you kidding? And color coded wet suits? (so you knew that the ever-doomed Ensign of the Week - in the RED suit - was getting blown up inside the volcano, and not the Captain. David Hedison always dove in a Yellow suit. Right?

DrGoat said...

Good old Richard Basehart.

DrGoat said...

PS I think I'm going to have to get one of those $20 coins.

Infidel753 said...

A moonbat coin?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yes...we are that cool to have a Moon Bat coin. I remember Voyage at 6 o'clock every night and me and my dad would wait for it and dinner every night. I remember in the winter waiting for him to get home on time and during a huge snowstorm he made it just in time for home made pizza and the flying sub. Good stuff. Sure it's goofy today to watch but lots of good memories around that show.