Thursday, March 12, 2020

I Am Done Pussy Footing Around With This Evil Cat Related Facebook Group

Okay. I just did it. I pulled the pin and CONFRONTED the evil at the heart of my evil Facebook cat lover's group. I admit they post some fine cat related memes and the like which are my bread and butter but this cult goes one step further. For long time contributors they give out meaningless titles like CONVERSATION STARTER or VISUAL STORYTELLER. I hate that they seek to place some above others but now that they exist I WANT THEM. I had the first one for a day then they took it away and then gave it back then took it away again. I hate their Scientology like mind games. I won't be a part of the madness, unless I am rewarded with the title I so rightfully deserve. My captions are genius and I get hundreds of responses to them by the 130,000 fell cat loving cult members. It feels good to see that others get the joke or the gag that I have crafted. So I want what is my DUE as a VISUAL STORYTELLER. I waiting until I felt I had one that could NOT be questioned for it's genius. If it doesn't result in that title placed next to my name I know this whole group is built on lies and as Wonder Woman said, 'Nothing good is born from lies." and I will share with them no more.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are too good for them, Cal.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I AM...and I can walk away. I don't need them. I am almost embarrassed to be a part of that group.