Monday, March 9, 2020

Max Von Stydow Dead At 90

I was a big fan of his work from Exorcist to Dune he was all class and elevated every production he was a part of.

I also really loved his role in 1995's Citizen X about the hunt of a Russian serial killer, maybe their most prolific ever. Max plays a psychiatrist brought into profile the killer - a first for Russian law enforcement - and this profile allowed the killer to finally be caught. A great film with great actors as you can see from the trailer. The scene where Sydow interrogates the killer by telling him the traits such a killer would have and he is dead on correct with his profile. A chilling but such a great movie moment that never leaves my brain fully.

And of course he chewed the scenery as Emperor Ming in the camp classic, Flash Gordon.


Count Robot said...

RIP Max,
His part in Conan was small but he was great and he's the best Ming the Merciless ever.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

His Ming was great. Pure Camp...but I liked him in anything, even Judge Dredd. Max was not a snob about taking roles in goofy films.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Saw that earlier. Fine actor. He will be missed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A fave of mine over the years too. RIP