Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Future Is Never What We Think It Will Be

n 1958, at the height of the Space Race and Cold War, Radebaugh created the syndicated comic strip "Closer Than We Think," which featured illustrations of what life might be like for future generations. 
The comic strip carried an optimistic tone during a time of paranoia and fear. There was no mention of a Soviet takeover, no robots roaming around and no signs of extraterrestrial life.
Let's take a look at what Radebaugh envisioned, and what ended up becoming reality.

(Click To Enlarge)


Count Robot said...

I would like to see more people trying to think positively about the future. Dystopia is too easy to imagine.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree with you. No dystopia ever had flying cars or jetpacks.