Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Older Than Old School Gaming

At one time this was the greatest game you had ever seen in the history of ever. Then Asteroids came out and your head exploded.


DrGoat said...

I was a diehard Starcastle player. That and Tempest, Centipede and Missle Command.

Jordan said...

Have you seen the (brilliant) movie Zodiac?

There's a part where Jake Gyllenhall drops in on Robert Downey Jr. at home (circa 1974 or thereabouts). Downey Jr. has "Pong" going on his television. He indicates it to Gyllenhall and says, "Have you seen this? [pause; patented RDJ squint] Mesmerizing."

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is too funny. When I first saw Zodiak I made conversation during that part of the movie on this very topic and was told to leave it for after the show ended. I have a million pong stories to tell.