Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday With The Furies

Deusas Gregas (Afrodite, Artemis, Athena, Hera, Persefone) (2011) by Will Murai


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Greek Clothing for women follows the same rule as classic Star Trek costuming; "The sexiness of an outfit is directly proportional to the possibility that a vital piece of it might fall off."

M. D. Jackson said...

This is a great collection of Furies.

Budd said...

this was posted on a monday. are you messing up the days of the week again?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I missed it last Friday and had this writing with it about how these are the original furies but hoped that someone would notice if they were out of place for once. Thanks guy. Can always count on you.

Bersercules said...

These pictures are AWESOME! Firday, monday, tuesday? allthe same! Everdays a good day for cute girl paintings!

Ashraf said...

no matter at what days, just enjoyed the post

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, the CHEESECAKE versions of the Greek Goddesses!